In any given set of circumstances, even in the most difficult of times, we can always choose how we react, and our attitude.

Stuck In A Rut
When we’re dealing with challenge and setback, it’s often hard to see beyond the adversity.
Perhaps it’s a job interview that didn't go as planned despite your preparation and interest. It could be that you missed a great opportunity to support a career change. Maybe, you just found out that you have to work longer than planned, and the dream of an early retirement isn't happening anytime soon.
Move Forward
You can analyze all the things that aren’t going right, or you can seek to understand the lessons learned from the setbacks, and choose to move forward.
On the other side of any challenge, are opportunities to be discovered, and success stories waiting to unfold. But first, you have to be willing to take a risk, and step out of your comfort zone.
“The comeback is always greater than the setback.”
If you’ve been trying to gain some traction with a work or life challenge for a while, but without results, it's time to take a different action.
One True You, LLC Career and Life Coaching can provide new perspectives and help you navigate:
Leadership and Life Challenges
Work-Life Balance, Stress and Burnout
Career Change
Retirement Transition
Creating A Plan For What's Next In Life
Through a coaching partnership, you'll be able to view things differently, gain an awareness of options, and choose the actions that will help you move forward.
To learn more about how coaching can help change your life read: Coaching Changes Lives | One True You (
Live Like Someone Left The Gate Open
Susan’s story is inspiring. As a One True You, LLC client, Susan chose career and life coaching to help provide accountability and guidance in her journey. By doing so, she was able to move forward, and successfully overcome the challenges she was experiencing.
Today, Susan is living a happier and more fulfilling life!
Susan - Finance Manager
“I really do miss talking with you. Our career and life coaching work together helped me through my career transition, provided guidance through challenges with my health and personal relationships, and inspired me to envision a new direction (and location) for my life.
I was in the most stressful job of my entire career and feeling the effects of that in numerous ways. I remember you gave me 2 or 3 insightful questions to ask myself, regarding my job. I had the most intense feeling that I needed to hire you! And so the relationship began.
I really had no goals, just a general idea of where I might want to go, and needed help getting there. Your tools, guided exercises and homework assignments led me through the process of goal setting and defining the life I wanted to live. They were not always easy, but you held me accountable and a vision took shape. Part of that vision was moving to a warmer climate, which I had loosely planned for 5 years down the road. And I didn’t know if I could really even do that.
Exactly two years after our coaching began, I made the move to Florida. Without a doubt, I would not have been able to do so without your guidance. Our coaching relationship benefited me in so many ways. It really has changed my attitude and outlook on life.
On the road trip from Illinois to my new life in Florida, I picked up two magnets that say it all. One has the image of a map on it with the words “Create Your Own Happy”. The other, a dog jumping over a fence and inscribed “Live Like Someone Left The Gate Open.”
I look at them every day to remind myself how great life can be when you recognize that you have choices and act on them.
It’s been 3 years since my move and I still have to pinch myself. I love the insight I gained and the new life that I’m living. Your coaching was a great experience and well worth the work. I will be forever grateful.
The Choice Is Yours
The changes you want to make happen in your work and life, can start today.
If you’re thinking about a change you’d like to make this year, I invite you to reach out.
Reserve a Complimentary Clarity Call to talk with me virtually about a leadership or life challenge you’re experiencing.
About the Author:
Deborah Petropoulos, Executive Life Coach and Founder of One True You, LLC works with high-performing leaders in Global Pharmaceuticals and other industries who are experiencing mid-life challenges, workplace stress and burnout, considering a career change, or want to create a plan for retirement and what's next in life.
Professionals that choose One True You, LLC for their leadership and life coaching needs learn new ways to navigate their challenges, and find renewed satisfaction and fulfillment in their careers and lives.