Debbie Petropoulos

Jan 6, 20233 min

3 Steps for Successful Outcomes: How To Achieve What's Most Important To You

Updated: Jun 2, 2023

The start of a new year is an opportunity for new beginnings. It's an ideal time to reassess and recommit to what's most important to you in all aspects of life - your relationships, career, health, personal growth, and financially.

Knowing what's most important to you is a great starting point to help clarify the direction you want to take for the year.

Sharing three insightful steps to help you get started with creating successful outcomes this year:

Step 1: Narrow the Focus - Choose One Thing

You may have begun the year mindfully setting an intention, creating a list of new year resolutions, or writing down all the goals you'd like to accomplish. But trying to do too much all at once, can cause feelings of frustration and overwhelm.

Your actions toward achieving your goals can be easily derailed if things don't move at the pace you'd like. Maybe you're having a difficult time getting started or are easily distracted. Or maybe you felt inspired at the start of the year but have lost the motivation to keep moving forward with your goals. Maybe work commitments or caretaking needs for a family member have taken priority. Whatever the obstacles are that have you feeling stuck, know that you can always refocus and start again.

Take a moment to think about what really matters to you right now. What one thing would make you feel great if you were to achieve it? It's not about what others think or want for you. Narrow the focus to the one thing that will make you feel good and proud of yourself.

Step 2: Break It Down - Small Steps Done Greatly

If the one thing you choose to focus on is significant, like wanting to make a mid-life career change this year, or creating a plan to retire early, or finally putting all your financial affairs in order, or starting a new business, or improving your health - that's great.

But, if you're feeling overwhelmed by the significance of the effort, then break it down into small steps that you can achieve in shorter periods of time. The key is to stay in action. Achieving small steps will help you maintain the momentum to keep going month after month.

Step 3: Establish Habits That Make A Difference

Small behavioral shifts and simple changes create impactful results. As you think about what you want to achieve:

  • What new habits will you form this year to help you get better results in your life?

  • What habits are you ready to let go of?

Your answers will impact what you're able to accomplish in the coming months.

Identify one habit you will commit to forming this month to help you achieve your goals this year, and one habit you will release to clear any obstacles that are holding you back.

Successful outcomes are the result of the decisions you make and the actions you take every day.

If you want to share a significant change you'd like to make, or want help to identify a small step you can take, or a new habit to help do things differently this year, I invite you to schedule a complimentary Clarity Call.

To learn more about One True You Coaching read: Coaching Changes Lives | One True You (

About the Author

Deborah Petropoulos is a Transformational Life Coach and Founder of One True You, LLC. Deborah specializes in mid-life transitions and helps professionals gain clarity on what's most important by providing strategic guidance for goal achievement and successful outcomes.
